
Prepare once, teach forever

Successful courses call for thorough preparation and continual revision. Start the plan early, giving yourself as much as three to six months to plan a new online course. Once plan and you, you prepare won’t have to bother yourself over the course again.

Seek advice from colleagues who have tutored the same or similar courses to gain knowledge from their strategies and their overall impressions of the learners who generally take the course. In cases where you are team-teaching, you and your teaching partner(s) should start meeting beforehand to talk about course goals, course contents, course policies, teaching methods, and teaching philosophies as well as specific duties for each instructor or teacher. Follow these steps to templatize your class by preparing a syllabus and topics to teach ahead of time:

Define course goals:

Analyzing the goals for the course will simplify what you want the learners to learn and achieve. Having these course goals in view will then make it easier to make decisions with regards to which content to include, which educational techniques to use, and what forms of assignments and examinations are best suited. When defining the course goals, look closely at student learning. One method to come up with these goals is to figure out what students should be learning when it comes to content, personal development, and cognitive development.

Determine the course content:

Decide on the major topics and define the order in which you'll teach them. Pare down and improve your initial listing of topics. Tutors often plan at first to teach more material than they can handle in the allotted period. Determine the framework of the course; arrange the defined topics in a logical order. Creating a rationale that guides the framework of the course will be helpful to explain the material more clearly to the learners. In a nutshell, you can talk about how and why you've structured the material in a particular way.

Develop instructional methods and tools:

After you have defined the course goals and content, give thought to how you will present the content material. Select and build up instructional methods and tools that are:

  1. Suitable for the size of the class and;
  2. Long-term with the course goals.

Define how you'll evaluate student learning:

Give thoughts to the area the assignments and exams will focus on. The evaluation needs to go hand-in-hand with course goals. Take, for instance, if a course's objective is to improve problem-solving proficiency, the examination should not contain questions that tell scholars to recall facts; it should contain relevant questions that ask learners to solve particular and well-chosen problems. Also, assignments and class activities leading up to the examination should contain some questions that demand problem-solving skills.

Define course policies:

Work out on how you will grade all demanded work, such as all assignments, researches, examinations, and, if applied, class engagement. Plan ahead of time how you'll handle such issues as attendance problems, tardiness, work submitted late, etc.

Develop the course schedule:

The habit is sort of always trying to accomplish a lot during each course period. Permit time for active learning to take place during class and for learners to complete key assignments and plan for exams.

Write the course syllabus:

No matter what, the syllabus should have the following: course title, location, and time; prerequisites; compulsory texts as well as other materials; course topics; important assignments and examinations; attendance, academic integrity, course policies on grading and late work.

By using the methods above, you can make your job easier by making use of Coursables syllabus creation tools to create class templates that let you prepare all your classes ahead of time and simply load the material when teaching.